Growth Tools

When I first slipped into Self-Development, I thought I read 2-3 books, and that’s that. Turned out that I cried; I was surprised and lost about the behaviors I have developed over the years.

Because some core values of mine weren’t mine. I adopted them without asking enough questions to fully understand what this means.

So, along the way, you will feel the pain you’ll need to overcome. Especially if it comes to people you love that don’t align with the best version of you.

What Change Is

If you want to become a different version, a better version, then you’ll need to focus on Personal Development.

Some of the areas you’ll need to discover are:

  • Skills
  • Emotional Inteligence 
  • Definition of your Core Values/Mindset
  • Self-Care before > Care for Others

Self Care

Self-care is more than just meditation or taking time for yourself.

Self-Care is to fully understand yourself. You know what your preferences are and why you have them.

Understand what you need to work on and be ok with yourself so you can talk about your shortcomings.

Self-care is knowing where you came from, where you are, and where you want to be.

In Personal Development Books you’ll find a variety of books.

It ranges from self-improvement, personal finance, marketing, selling, and business.

When I first started out I haven’t had a clue what to do and what Development Tools I should use. Especially when I got several books I tried to memorize.

So you’ll find tools that will help you navigate you through all of the new stuff you’re going to learn.

I tried a lot of different things before I ended up with this what I am doing today. So I figured I share those Recommended Courses with you and give my personal opinion to it.

Then, you can decide yourself if you want to make that investment or save the money for a different kind of investment.